(Please click on the link to view information)
- IBM Advisory Board
- Results Framework Document of IBM
- Annual Reports of IBM
- IBM News Letter
- Acts,Rules & Policies
- Offshore areas Act, rules and regulation
- Various important IBM Manuals
- Various Guidelines
- Various Gazette Notifications
- Formats for Scheme of Prospecting, Yearly report of Prospecting and Final Report of Prospecting
- Threshold Value of Minerals
- Offshore Mining
- New Minecode Generation Form
- Statistical Profiles
- Monthly Statistics of Mineral Production
- Statistical Summary for Important Minerals
- Indian Minerals Yearbook
- Indian Mineral Industry at a Glance (IMIG)
- Bulletins
- National Mineral Inventory
- National Mineral Inventory at a Glance 2020
- National Mineral Inventory: An overview as on 01.04.2020
- Rates of Royalty of Major Minerals (Updated as on 12.10.2023)
- Royalty
- Market Surveys
- IBM Publications
- Administrative
- Notices and Returns under MCDR, 2017
- Miscellaneous
- List of Exploration Agencies
- Khanij Samachar
- World Mineral Intelligence
- Current Content (Technical Journals)