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Indian Bureau of Mines,Nagpur

Minerals Development and Regulation Division

The Minerals Development and Regulation Division is the premier wing of the department which ensures mineral conservation, systematic & scientific development of mines and protection of environment in and around mines with an aim of sustainable development of mineral resources of the country, through statutory enforcement as well as promotional activities. It is headed by the Chief Controller of Mines at the headquarters. The Minerals Development and Regulation Division has 4 zonal offices and 14 regional offices. The zonal office is headed by the Controller of Mines and regional offices by Regional Controller of Mines. The Chief Controller of Mines is assisted by the Chief Mining Geologist and is supported by Geological Mapping Cell  & Mineral Map Cell and Technical Management and Information System Cell (TMIS Cell) and Mining Tenement System project.

The Minerals Development and Regulation division carries out the following activities
  • Inspection/examination of mines for enforcing Mineral Conservation & Development Rules, 2017 and certain provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The inspecting officers of Indian Bureau of Mines derive the power of entry and inspection under section 24 of Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act,1957 and they are responsible for enforcing the provisions of these rules.
  • Approval of mining plans/schemes of mining under Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Rules, 2016 and Mineral Conservation & Development Rules, 2017.
  • Granting permission for stoping in underground mines.
  • Carrying out Special Integrated Studies (SIS) of the mines.
  • Conducting detailed or special studies on mineral conservation and development issues and problems.
  • Organising Mines Environment and Mineral Conservation Weeks every year at different mining districts of the country for promoting environmental protection & mineral conservation awareness.
  • Assisting Central/State Governments for answering Parliament Questions, ministry references and in formulating all mineral policy matters.
  • Preparation of mineral map and geological maps of mining areas and updating mineral inventory of leasehold areas.

During the inspection/studies of mines, guidance is also given to mine managements for the adoption of appropriate technology, systematic mining, upgradation and utilization of low grade minerals, stacking of mineral rejects for future use, and in all environment management matters.On receipt of stoping notices, mines are inspected in detail to ensure adequacy of development, to explore feasibility of improved method for stoping and other ancillary aspects. Environmental problems, during and subsequent to cessation of mining activities are taken care of for which suitable advice is given to the mine managers so that the environmental pollution and degradation caused due to mining activities are minimized to the extent possible. The division also launches prosecution in the court of law for defaulting mine owners for violations of various provisions of MCDR, 2017. In every region of MDR Division a Mining Plan Grievances Committee (MPGC) has been constituted comprising representatives of mine owners, Qualified Persons preparing Mining Plansand State Directorate of Geology and Mining and IBM for the redressal of grievances of Qualified Persons preparing Mining Plans and entrepreneurs, if any, in connection with disposal of mining plans. Besides this, in every region meeting with Qualified Persons preparing Mining Plans and mine managements are held every year with the objective of providing guidance and redress problems faced by them in implementation of various provisions of MCDR, 2017



Chief Controller of Mines

2 nd   Floor,  Block A,
Indira Bhavan, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001

Telephone No. 91-712 - 2560961

Fax No. 91-712 - 2565488

email : ccom[at]ibm[dot]gov[dot]in