Information /data Liability Disclaimer - IMYB- 2018
The reviews as presented in the Indian Minerals Yearbook are the product of the concerted efforts of in-house authors. In preparation of manuscripts, the authors resourced data/information from various sources, such as, published information on the internet, various publications, Annual reports etc. Major chunks of information have actually been collated internally from the different Divisions of the Indian Bureau of Mines which regularly and routinely are in the cycle of gathering data /information through correspondences.
All these sourced information/data that get included in the General/Mineral Reviews are subjected to analyses, interpretations and sometimes extrapolations in the case of paucity of data.There have been instances when the data have been used ‘as it is’ hence it is recommeneded that the readers apply discretion in discerning the data for their further utilisation for general or scientific purposes.
Indian Bureau of Mines while processing of the sourced data/information undertakes its best efforts to ensure accuracy and to verify that the data published have been selected on the basis of thorough scientific judgement. However, IBM would make no warranties to that effect, and shall not be liable for any consequent damage that may result from errors or omissions in the database contained therein.