Requirement of Mining Plan and Review of Mining Plan
A new thrust to the mineral development activity in the country has been given as per the provisions of the Section 5(2) (b) of the Mines & Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1957. Accordingly the application for grant of mining lease should be accompanied by a mining plan duly approved by the Central Govt. or the State Govt., in respect of such category of mines as may be specified by the Central Govt. In 1999 major amendments were made and the MM (R&D) Act has been renamed as Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957, thus giving more thrust on the development of mining industry rather than regulation. Also State Govt. officers have been authorized to approve mining plans and review of mining plans of opencast mines in respect of 31 notified non-metallic or industrial minerals. Further as per Mineral Concession Rules, 2016, “every mining plan submitted for approval under MCR, 2016 is required to be accompanied by such fee as may be specified by the Indian Bureau of Mines. Accordingly, The Controller General, IBM vide notification published in the Gazette of India Extra ordinary Part II Section (3) sub-section (ii) vide S.O.1856 (E) dated 23May 2017 has specified the non-refundable processing fee of Rs. 25000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) per Sq. Km. or part thereof for Mining Plan document submitted to the Indian Bureau of Mines for approval.
Under Mineral Conservation & Development Rules, 2017, the existing lessees have to prepare and submit the mining plans and after every five years they have to review the mining plan. The mining plan and the Review of mining plan thus becomes an extremely vital document for the scientific and systematic development of mineral deposits particularly the mining has to be carried out in accordance with the envisaged proposals in the approved mining plan as per Rule 11(1) of Mineral Conservation & Development Rules2017. The mining plan and the review of mining plan are to be prepared in accordance with specified formats for different category of mines. Further the Chief Controller of Mines has issued circulars on various aspects of preparation of mining plan for the benefit of Qualified persons (QPs),
IBM has approved 13678 mining plans and 7571 review of mining plans till September, 2022.
Chief Controller of Mines
2 nd Floor, Block A,Indira Bhavan, Civil Lines,
India.Telephone No. 91-712 - 2560961Fax No. 91-712 - 2565488email : ccom[at]ibm[dot]gov[dot]in